About us

It takes a village

About You.  ♥️

Are you…
* …looking for inspiration, knowledge, support and connection before (maybe years before!) or during pregnancy, as well as in mamahood?
* …feeling that the alot-ness of life and mamahood is sometimes overwhelming?
* …having a hard time to ask for or accept help?
* …tending to be a people-pleaser and putting yourself last?
* …giving yourself very little appreciation, care and love?
* …wanting others to treat you with more respect?
* …longing for a space where it feels safe to be vulnerable, a space to be yourself, to feel accepted, and to start to hear, trust and follow our intuition?
* …longing for a community, and a community that is passionate about creating a peaceful and sustainable lifestyle, so that you, your family and our planet can thrive?
* …having the desire to understand and heal your own early life experiences?
* …wishing to create a life according to your values and needs, where you yourself fit in, resonate with all the parts and feel well?

Then you are at the right place. And I hope and believe that you will find support and inspiration for all of this here.

You are not alone.

♥️ Warm welcome! ♥️


About me. ♥️

My name is Rebecca, and – as probably for all mums – my journey into and within mamahood has changed my life profoundly. 

At that time, I worked as a full-time professional Pilates teacher – so I was very aware of the abilities of our beautiful bodies. And yet, the doula training with the brilliant Xana de Silva was a true eye-opener – from then on, I entered a new world… I slowly became aware of the value, dignity and rights that are a birthright of ALL people. And this includes tiny newborn babies – and also myself (and all other women)! ♥️ At the same time as I felt I was responsible for and allowed to speak up for my baby, the same applied for myself. I realized that all peoples’ needs are important, no matter our age, gender, life experience or position. And I understood that in order to be the mum (and partner, friend and human being) that I want to be – which is loving and peaceful – I first needed to be loving and peaceful towards myself. Only when our own cup is filled we can pour out to others. 

So I decided to learn, heal and love, and to create a life that I truly love. And to inspire others to do the same, so that they, too, can shine their light, and contribute to a thriving planet with thriving beings. 

I feel so honoured that you are here! 

Much love and light,