Birth,  Self-love,  Support

You (and your baby) are the priority of your birth!

It takes a village

…this sounds so obvious, right? And yet, so many women experience the total opposite. 

So many women I know have had amazing, empowering, physiological births. AND so many women I know had traumatizing births. Hearing their stories, understanding their pain and wounds (that goes WAY beyond the physical realm and the moment of the actual birth) and knowing about the huge impact that the way we are born into this world has on a human being for the rest of their life, this makes me so very sad. And it inspires me so much to make a change for future mamas and their babies. 

Today, having a physiological birth is rare. A physiological birth i.e. a birth that is undisturbed, where the mum and her baby are left in peace and in deep trust to her and her body wisdom. Instead, pregnancy and birth are pathologized. Knowledge about pregnancy, birth, postpartum and the transition from maiden to motherhood used to be a part of the collective culture. Girls and young women used to have been witnessing and supporting mothers long before they had their own children. Today, however, the only knowledge about birth is usually from films (that have a tendency to portrait birth as a horrific, pathologized event). I have never heard of any school curriculum that includes any deeper studies of pregnancy, birth and postpartum with all the natural changes, needs and events that occur. And most of us are living and have been growing up without much inter-generational togetherness. So where and when do we learn about all these events? (Only!) once we are right in them. Many women go the check-ups with a midwife or OB-gyn, and since these often are part of the medical system, the care during pregnancy, postpartum and birth is based upon exactly this. Pathologizing, fear creating, risk talk and medication are therefore often a huge part of the “support”. And many women are not aware of this and the alternatives, so they go along, following the focus of the medical system and clinging onto it because it seems to be the saviour within this seemingly dangerous process. 

However, we do have a choice. And the choices become more obvious through both knowledge and the right kind of community/support. Once we re-member that pregnancy, birth and postpartum with all their changes, needs and events are part of our natural physiological and perfect design, and that we are MADE to do this as women, that we are totally capable, we can shift our focus and create a totally different – uplifting and beautiful – reality for us.

“Peace on earth begins at birth”, they say. And I absolutely believe in this. Because peace (just as healing) is an inside-out process. And because birth (the birth when we were born ourselves as well as when we gave/give birth) is such a profound event that leaves an imprint for the rest of our life and those of our children. Of course, there are healing options. Absolutely!! BUT: why creating broken humans that need healing if we can do so much to avoid this?!

So, when preparing for your own birth (or when supporting another mum-to-be in this or even when looking back at birth experiences), remember this: you and your baby/babies are the priority of your birth. All care and support should be centered about YOU. If this is not the case, then ask yourself why, and if you got the right support for you. Birth is a sacred event, and everyone involved should feel deeply honoured and be at absolute service to you (not the system or their employer!). You are worth the absolute best, and so are our children. “Peace on earth begins at birth”, and I wish that every birth worker would dedicate their work to creating peaceful, respectful and sacred support. So that YOU can be in your power, follow your body’s wisdom and blossom, heal and grow through the most gentle, love-infused birth experience. 

If you would like to get more inspiration about the topic of birth, feel free to read here. To the topic of stepping into your own authority, you can read more here. And if you are longing for more support and inspiration on your journey, join an event, circle or book a session. I am here to support you – you, your birth and your well-being matter. SO much! ♥️

With love and prayers of healing and support, 

This is a gentle reminder that I am not a medical expert, and all information and thoughts that are shared by me, both on the website, in person, via newsletters or any form of online or offline communication are solely meant to be a source of inspiration. Your choices still remain YOUR choices, always, and they are YOUR respons-ability. If unsure, I suggest that you connect with the wisdom of your soul and body, with the Source or/and a health professional that you trust for guidance and advice.

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