People I love

Here I share links to people who have tought, inspired and supported me so much (and still do) and who have changed my life. I am deeply grateful for and recommend every single one of them ♥️

Annemie Nijs – Artist, author, coach for women, co-founder of the organisation “Shine Your Light” in Belgium, mum and simply a wonderful woman. With her wisdom, her amazing gift to listen, her so empathetic way of talking and holding space for others while being authentic and clear, Annemie supports women and mums (amongst others) with her beautiful and unique self-love courses (online) – a topic that is so challenging and so much needed for most of us. 
Anna Verwaal – Nurse, midwife, doula, birth photographer and much more. With her observations, experience, research, consultations and other work, all birth-related and in/from around the world, Anna is touching souls, supporting many birthworkers, individuals and families, and bringing change to this world. In particular, I wish that every person on this planet could watch her TED-talk
Dorte Bredgaard – Dental health specialist. Dorte teaches us to learn the “language” of our teeth, which is so very fascinating and way beyond common dentistry. Just as every symptom and every body part has their meaning, so have dental symptoms and the different teeth. Dorte shares her knowledge in books, videos, articles, courses and much more. She is based in Denmark but her books have been published in English and German, too, and she offers both private sessions and courses in both Danish and English.  
Embodied Dharma Coaching for Women – Embodied Dharma Coaching with Swati (online) who has introduced me to a whole new, powerful world with her gifted ways of listening, speaking and holding space. Swati supports women in finding their dharmic path in life and to shine their light with the help of vedic astrology, moon circles, grief work, ancestral connections, creativity and so much more.
Familjestunden – Various doula and health services incl. lactation counselling, acupuncture and doula education with the brilliant doula, certified nurse, public speaker and author Xana de Silva (based in Sweden, offers most of her services in English, Swedish and German), who also is the founder of Aktiv Baby which promotes optimal placement of the baby in the uterus which contributes to more ease during pregnancy and birth. Xana has not only layed the foundation for my own births and parenting through the doula training which I was honored to do with her, but she has also been holding me before, during and after my births with her expertise and loving presence. I feel endless gratitude towards this amazing woman who has changed my life. 
Innate Traditions – Postpartum Care trainings and more (New Mexico but mostly online) with Rachelle Seliga Garcia who truly changes the world through her wisdom, expertise, authenticity, vulnerability and amazing personality as a mama, woman, midwife, teacher and “young elder” (that is what she is for me, for sure). Rachelle’s training is absolutely unique and deeply inspiring, touching and healing, and I whole-heartedly recommend it to any woman.
Janny Terfelt – Is not only a yoga teacher, nurse and the mum of a free child, but offers also various kinds of healing and (yoga) therapy. Janny is giftet in so many ways; she has a strong intuition, great knowledge of and experience with different kinds of people and relationships incl. abuse of all sorts. With Janny started my self-love journey, and she has supported me and many others I know in amazing ways. (Janny is based in Sweden, but offers online sessions worldwide.)
Nûna – Acro yoga, Women’s empowerment & health (incl. women’s circles) and corporate health by Raquel Koya & Kasper and their precious girl, who are amongst the most inspiring and loving people I know. (Based in Denmark, Italy, Peru and online.)
The Center for Womens’ Fitness – Health, Exercise and Education with the stunning Carlyne Sidhu Anthony (based in Malysia/USA, but lots of courses are offered online and around the world) who has planted one of the most important – life changing – seeds in me, and whose (holistic) teachings about women’s health in particular pre-and post-natally have had a profound impact on me.
Vera Hannibal – Vera is a Women’s Sexuality Coach (based in Denmark but available worldwide online) who helps women to heal and integrate sexual wounds. With her deep compassion, great knowledge and big courage she is a truly wonderful and much needed support for women who want to heal, grow and thrive. “