In the dark

Solstice Calendar 2023

I created this solstice calendar for you – born out of my own journeys through the dark. 

Today, I have such a loving relationship with the dark, and I am passionate about offering support and guidance for others. In this Solstice Calendar, I am weaving together my wisdom and my voice – both of them offer so much healing, comfort and love.

In today’s Western world, we try to “escape the winter”. When we find ourselves in a dark period, we often can’t get through and out of it fast enough. We have put up so many lights that it is almost impossible to ever truly experience the dark unless you are living very remotely. And the spring/summer energy – outward, social, shining, active – is the most celebrated energy and season in our society. 

But just like everything in nature, our lives, too, are cyclical. Winter and darkness are just as much part of the cycle as the summer! 

And what, if the darkness is not only something that we have to accept, but instead something, that we can lovingly embrace, and that holds great magic and wisdom (if we allow them to unfold)? ♥️

“In the dark” is for you who is curious about the gems that are hidden in the dark. For you, who is willing to courageously explore the gifts and messages of these times. For you, who wants to exchange any fighting and escaping the dark with allowing and welcoming the dark with an open heart.

“In the dark” is a celebration of the return of the light (for those in the Northern hemisphere), and of the return of the dark (for those in the Southern hemisphere). 

I am SO excited for us to go onto this journey together! ♥️ warm welcome!

This is how it works:

WHAT: You will receive daily audio messages (ca. 5-15 min. each) from me with love-infused wisdom that can inspire and support you through (current or future) journeys through the dark. You will also get access to a group where you can connect with other participants if and when you want, to exchange thoughts and reflections.

FOR WHOM: For anybody who wants to embrace the dark and the wholeness of the seasons – whether you currently find yourself in a period of darkness or not.

HOW: You register through the form below, and once your payment is received, you will be added to a Telegram group. 

PLEASE NOTE: Technical stuff is not within my zone of genius. Since some people experienced errors with the original payment form, I now changed it to this one. This means that I will need to receive your Telegram phone number or username manually (while this was integrated in the original form), so please look out for an e-mail from Rebecca at Thank you so much for your understanding!

WHEN: We will start on the 1st of December and finish on the day of the solstice, the 22nd of December 2023.

INVESTMENT: 22Euros. Invite a friend (or several!) and receive a generous discount.

REGISTRATION: Fill in the form below – that’s it!