It’s UMOJA tea time!

Would you like to live your life in alignment with your heart, your needs (and the needs of your family), and your soul purpose?
Then I bet that the question around work, purpose, creative outlet, and financial input has come up at least once (or maybe a million times…).
Maybe you want to work with something that brings you joy and feels meaningful? Where you can move, sit, dress, eat, rest etc. in a way that feels good to YOU? Maybe you are longing to work from home, or with flexible times so you get to spend lots of time with your children? Maybe you are raising your children without school and in ways that are honouring their needs and gifts, but you yourself are modelling a way of working that is draining you?
You might have been considering to create a business – but a business that truly nourishes you, on all levels.
First of all: I celebrate you SO much!! I truly believe that this is part of the divine task for us humans being alive in these current exciting times of massive transformation.
To re-consider the way we spend our precious life time and life energy.
To find ways of living and working that are not steering us towards burnout, having us live from weekend to weekend, trading our life time for money.
And instead finding ways of living and working that feel enriching, meaningful, true to ourselves, and that are a great match with our gifts, needs, values, and visions.
If this is what you are longing for but you just stand with this huge question HOW to do this, then, gorgeous, you have found the right place, and most of all: the right woman!
You will get to meet the extraordinary Lucy AitkenRead who has been exactly in this spot, too. Knowing WHAT she wanted but unsure about the HOW. The amazing thing is: she found a way. And even more amazing: she will tell us!!
Welcome to our upcoming UMOJA tea time with the gorgeous Lucy AitkenRead!

Lucy is an unschooling mum living in New Zealand, she has been working as a mentor for unschooling families for many years, and eventually she also became a business coach.
And I am so glad she did!! Because the world needs her!
Forget the traditional heavy way of leading a business, and imagine a totally fresh way of entrepreneurship that mixes things totally up, breaks old traditional patterns, is filled with innovative ways of stewarding a business, is aligned with the cycles of natures (which includes our human cycles), and widely acknowledges your needs as a human (and a parent, if you are one), including time with your people, rest, joy, and pleasure which make your businesses more magnetic and sustainable because they fuel you as the business owner.
I am honestly SO lit up about this woman, her work, and our chance to meet in such an intimate setting to learn more about and from Lucy.
WHEN? On Wednesday, April 24th at 10am CET/8pm NZST. We will gather for ca. 1 hour.
WHERE? Online.
WHAT? Lucy will share her story and her rich, deeply inspiring experiences from supporting many, many people like you as a business coach. And of course there is room for your questions!
WHY? Because the world needs YOU to be thriving and to bring your gifts out into the world!
HOW? You sign up via the form below. On Monday, you will receive an e-mail with the link, and we will then meet on Tuesday via Zoom.
Will there be a recording? Yes! Of course the big magic happens when you join live, are in the same room with Lucy (and other amazing, like-hearted people), and get to ask Lucy your questions directly. But I of course understand that our schedules and timezones don’t always match, and the second best thing is of course to watch the replay!

Yes, count me in! I would love to join "An unschooling mama's wisdom" and learn about entrepreneurship for heart-centered, creative people!
...on Tuesday, 24th of April 2024 at 10am CET/8pm NZST.
This is a UMOJA tea time event hosted by Rebecca from "It takes a village" with her incredible guest speaker Lucy AitkenRead. ♥️ Lucy is a true way-paver for a new way of creating and stewarding business, and she is an infinitely inspiring, creative, compassionate, and radiant woman. What an honour to have her with us!
The event is free of charge and will take place online.
Wonderful that you will join us!
You will hear from me soon, and will receive the zoom link in your e-mails a few days prior to the event. Make sure to add to your contacts, and also check your spam folder in case our e-mail should end up there by accident.
And mark Tuesday the 24th of April at 10am CET/8pm NZST in your calendar.
Can't wait to see you on Tuesday! ♥️