Let’s re-village life!
Online gathering on the 18th of February 2023 Replay and brochure
Gareth from the Artists Farm in Portugal was unable to join our call but made a beautiful video exclusively for us – I added it below. I hope you will enjoy it!
Also, Monica sent us a little video message to share about Monte Sorbe, a beautiful homestead in Southern Italy that is longing for new caretakers – maybe this could become the place for you to create your village?!
Replay from the online gathering
You find written information and contact details about all presented projects (plus a few more) in the brochure further down on this page.
A greeting from your host Rebecca
Dear re-villagers!
I feel so glad and honoured that you are here! May you feel greatly inspired by all these beautiful people and projects! Above this text you find the replay of the gathering, and below the brochure that I created to bring you a written overview including the contact details for all projects. Feedback and creative ideas to make this even better are always welcome!
Feel free to follow my Telegram channel and FB page and to join our amazing group on Telegram where you can share your vision, questions, ideas, experiences and thoughts!
And finally, I would be super grateful for donations towards this project. Of course, I absolutely love this work and all of the people involved. At the same time, it also is a huge, huge investment of several hundreds of hours from my side, lots of energy and many nightshifts, plus quite a bit of money for various programs etc. Many of you have been full of excitement and gratitude about this unique event and asking me if and when I will arrange this again. And while I totally share your excitement, in order to make this sustainable, it needs to be a fair exchange of energies for me. Because as a single mum with two unschooled kids, just like most of you, there is always food, shoes and clothes (for these ever-growing little bodies) that want to be bought, and little souls that want to collect rocks or berries, share their stories, explore beaches and forests, be comforted and so much more.
So having a unpaid project like this gathering on top of my ordinary, unpaid work as a mum is extremely demanding, and it won’t be beneficial for anyone if I would drown with it. Therefore, I only see that it can be sustainable for me if it is either a paid event of if I receive a sufficient amount of donations. (If you have any other ideas, please share!) So if you feel that you appreciate my work and want to make a contribution of any amount, I would feel deeply thankful! (It works easiest to send money via PayPal or Wise to rebecca.jean-charles@live.com, but I can also give you my account number.)
Sending lots of love to all of you around the world! Thank you for joining this beautiful, powerful and meaningful movement!
Gareth and the Artists Farm in Portugal
Contact Gareth at theartistsfarm@gmail.com and find updates and inspiration from the Artists Farm on the Artists Farm telegram channel!
Monte Sorbe - a beautiful homestead in Southern Italy looking for new owners
Contact the current owner, wonderful Monica, and have a look at her website for more details about the place!
Brochure - read about the projects that were part of our gathering and find their contact details

Yes, please!
I'd love to receive inspiration around community life and invitations for
re-villaging events in the future!
Wonderful that you are here!
I am so happy to connect with you and hope to be able to inspire and support you in order to create a life with more joy, health, life energy, peace, freedom, fun, beauty, meaning, love and togetherness!
I sent newsletters very irregularly at the moment. But make sure to put "info@ittakesavillage.se" to your list of safe e-mail contacts and check your spam folder also.