Register for UMOJA tea time event

"The secret language of teeth"

Saturday 10th of June at 15hrs CET

Dorte Bredgaard used to work as an ordinary dentist for 25 years before following her inner whisper that there was another truth to be explored and shared with the world than what she had learned during her university studies of dentistry. Once she was open to truly observe herself and others, she realised that many of the allopathic teachings did NOT resonate with what she saw, heard and felt. 

This event is for you if you…

…are puzzled because you cannot understand the reasons of your dental challenges

…don’t resonate with the explanations, instructions and actions of your dentist

…want to understand what your body is trying to tell you through the pain, symptoms and dis-ease within your moth

…are looking for holistic ways of treating and releasing the reasons behind the symptoms of teeth and gums 

…would like to support your children in holistic, sustainable healing.

WHEN: Saturday, 10th of June 2023 at 15hrs CET (check your local time here)

WHERE: online (via the program Zoom) 

INVESTMENT: your time and curiosity to open your horizon to learning something completely new

REGISTRATION: Sign up in the form below!

Would you like to explore some of Dorte’s work in the meantime? 

Apart from having written several books and created various courses and trainings, Dorte also offers a huge amount of super exciting free resources: 

* Her website
* Her Youtube channel

* Her Instagram profile
* Her Facebook page

I can highly recommend to check out all of these! (AND to sign up for the upcoming event below!)

