Welcome to Rooted & Free!
Doors to ROOTED & FREE are closed now. But if you put your name onto the
Dear mama, dear mum-to-be, dear woman who feels like a mother at heart! ♥️
Is any of this familiar to you?
Welcome to ROOTED & FREE, beautiful sister! ♥️
This group is limited to maximum 8 spots in order to guarantee an intimate setting with room for individual mentoring for every participant.
What does it feel like inside ROOTED & FREE?
So… WHAT exactly does ROOTED & FREE look like?
🌿 A small group of max 8 women
🌿 A 3 months journey
🌿 An exclusive Telegram group for communication, exchange and support amongst all ROOTED & FREE members.
🌿 A daily audio (Monday to Friday) from Rebecca to guide you on your journey for the first 8 weeks, afterwards ca. 3 weekly audios.
🌿 One weekly group mentorship call (through Zoom) with Rebecca where you can share your questions, experiences, celebrations and challenges and will receive guidance if you would like.
🌿 One weekly focus topic throughout the first seven weeks:
* The rooted mama: What are your values and needs? What is a vision for yourself and your family that you’d like to call in? (Week 1&2.)
* Healing, nurtured & cared for: What is needed for the health & well-being of yourself and your family?
* Nourishing surroundings: How can you make your environment & home even more nourishing and supportive?
* Held & supported: How can you create a bigger sense of belonging and call in more togetherness and support in your life?
* The wise mother: How can you align your life and mothering with your knowing and intention?
* Conscious, peaceful & free: Let’s talk parenting!
* The resourced mum: Calling in enough money, time & energy, so you can be the mama you want to be.
The following months are:
* White space: reflections, integration, road maps, deep dives, and additional topics – adjusted to and evolving from what is alive and relevant for the group in that very time..
The exact content will be tailored to the members of your individual group and your needs and wishes.
🌿 NEW: one monthly call with the members of all ROOTED & FREE groups, to connect with these amazing women and grow your network
🌿 NEW: one monthly call with a guest speaker – these guests are usually women who I know and love, and women who share about topics that I believe will be supportive and inspiring to you, such as starting/growing a soul business, holistic healing, tending to female bodies and sexuality, Human Design, healing our relationship with money, nervous system regulation, postpartum care, trauma healing, and much more.
🌿 BONUS: free access to my group mentorship Together on the Peaceful Parenting & Unschooling journey until end of February (value: 222€) incl. monthly Zoom calls
DATES: will be announced soon.
INVESTMENT: 1222€ (payment plans available)
Do you have any questions? Scroll down to the FAQs, or send me a dm or an e-mail to info@ittakesavillage.se.,
Your guide and mentor inside of ROOTED & FREE
Hi! My name is Rebecca, I am the woman behind It takes a village, and I am SO excited that you are here!
Already many years before becoming a mother, I turned into a passionate community creator. Since living in multiple countries for many decades, I basically feel like a foreigner and outsider anywhere on the planet, and I noticed early that I was not the only one longing for togetherness – especially when you are different than the majority of people.
When I then became a mum, I right away started this new chapter of my life with a bunch of non-conventional choices such as birthing my children at home AND without any medical staff, co-sleeping with my children, carrying them in slings, not sending them to daycare, breastfeeding them for many years etc.’
So suddenly I was even more different than “just” being a foreigner. More than ever before I felt the need for togetherness with other women who would not only accept me but deeply support and inspire me to follow my heart, even through the most challenging times. And I found them. And they turned into my nourishing, supportive “village”.
I get to be the mama of the most beautiful little adventurers who never have been to any institutions, who share my love for walking barefoot and for indulging in freshly picked berries, for the sea, campfires, baking, gardening, snuggles, amazing friendships across ages and cultures, and exploring different places on this planet. Together, we dream of building our own house with clay, and to grow a big fruit garden.
I also adore islands, sheep, and I think I might be addicted to underwhelm. (I.e. places where I feel calm and spaciousness, where I can easily see the moon and the stars, places that grow wild flowers, and where I often hear nothing but the sound of birds, waves, or the wind.)
During my years as a mother, I have had my fair share of challenges: from living in women’s shelters to recovering from people-pleasing/self-abondoning; from being a single mum and solo-provider to solving crazy situations while being in the middle of nowhere, off-grid, in the Caribbean rainforest; and many more.
At the same time, I have also been blessed with an infinite abundance of goodness – most of this emerged as a result of my conscious and courageous life choices, and through the amazing humans I get to be close to in my life.
In the early months of becoming a mum, I realised that I wanted to teach my children a whole bunch of the most beautiful values. But that I was not living them myself! This was a wake-up call, and the start of a massive shift in my life. Because I knew that it is not my words that would mainly teach my children, but the way I modelled my values by living them.
And the more I started following my inner compass, the more confident and courageous I felt to continue on this path.
ROOTED & FREE is birthed from all these experiences: from feeling alone, from the calling to follow my own values – both in life and in mothering. And from understanding how much the gifts of my voice, my courage, my experiences, of creating community, and of holding space are contributing to bring healing, nourishment and togetherness into other people’s lives.
ROOTED & FREE is a gift from my heart to yours, and after running two groups already for 9 months (and now continuing for the next 6 months with them) I am just sooooo touched by the extraordinary women who feel called join, and the infinite magic that unfolds within this space.
It would be an honour to welcome you inside. ♥️
- How much time does ROOTED & FREE require? I am worried that I might fall behind.
The daily audios will add up to 30 to 90 min per week, and you can listen to them in your very own timing. The mentoring calls are once a week, and their duration is ca. 2 hours. And then your engagement in the Telegram group. All parts are totally voluntary.
There is no such thing as being behind in ROOTED & FREE. And you are totally free to choose how much or how little time you dedicate to the program.
And while I believe that in many cases you get the more out of it the more you dive in, I also know to be true that in some cases, you only need to take a few or maybe just one single thing from a whole course. And this very thing might still radically transform our life.
So… trust that it will turn out just right! ♥️
- I would love joining ROOTED & FREE, but I feel already overwhelmed in my life as it is.
Many times, the very reason why we feel we cannot participate in something is the very reason why it would benefit us so much to join.
For example, if you are overwhelmed, it might be SO helpful for you to have a safe space to reach out to for feedback or guidance. We also might lack clarity of our priorities (which is one thing we talk about a lot), or we have undigested experiences/emotions (which is why it is so important to have a safe space to receive help in digesting). When we are overwhelmed, we often don’t have the capacity to think creatively, or we don’t see any solutions because we are in the middle of all the noise. However, some other women in your circle might have the calm and distance to come with great ideas or feedback, offer to hold space for you, witness, encourage and celebrate you. And because we get to know each other more and more during this journey together, the individual guidance and support you receive will be SO powerful.
One of the main reasons of ROOTED & FREE is to help you create a life that is in alignment with your needs, and reducing the overwhelm and bringing more ease would be an amazing focus area for our journey together! ♥️
- Will there be recordings of the mentoring calls? No. Since I want this space to feel as safe as possible, I want to honor the privacy of the participants by not putting any recordings out on the internet, not even with a private link. If you should miss a call, you can still easily stay in touch with the group, share, and ask for feedback through the Telegram channel.
- Can I participate even though I don’t have any children? 100% yes! While we do talk about mothering and motherhood – which is also relevant for you if you plan to have children at some point, if you have had children long time ago, if you are mothering other beings in your life, and since you were born from a mother – we also talk a lot about so, so many other areas in our lives.
- When will the calls take place? We will discuss a date and time once the group is finalised, so that we hopefully find a time that works for everybody. A suggestion is Wednesdays or Fridays at 11am CEST, or Tuesdays at 15hrs CEST.
- Do you have any further questions? Send me a dm on social media, or an e-mail to info@ittakesavillage.se. I am here to support you!
Be one of the maximum 8 women who get to join the next group of ROOTED & FREE!
Dear sister!
Do you recognise any of these? 👇
* Do you feel that the way society wants you to raise your children doesn’t resonate with you?
* Does it break your heart to hand your toddler over to strangers for so many hours every week (or for any time, for that matter)?
* Do you feel that the health of your child is suffering through being forced to be at school?
Then you, beautiful sister, have come to the right place. ♥️
The right place for you to be reminded of that you don’t have to choose EITHER the path that your heart leads, OR the feeling of belonging and togetherness. It is just a matter of finding “your” people: then you can feel that you belong, AND you can live & mother in the way that your heart is leading – and doing so in an even more confident and courageous way, because you know that you have your sisters behind you.
What people say...
Are you longing to live a life in a way that feels meaningful and nourishing to you?
This is a gentle reminder that there are no outcome guarantees for the participants of this program. It is my commitment to guide and support you to my highest abilities within the frame of this program, but the results are highly dependent on your own commitment and situation. Also, I am not a medical, financial, nor legal expert, and all information and thoughts that are shared by me, both on the website, in person, via newsletters or any form of online or offline communication or mentoring are solely meant to be a source of inspiration. Your choices still remain YOUR choices, always, and they are YOUR respons-ability. If unsure, I suggest that you connect with the wisdom of your soul and body, with the Source or/and a professional that you trust for guidance and advice.