It takes a village – Podcast

Warm welcome to my brand-new podcast - I am SO glad an excited that you are here!
You find the newest episode on top.
If you have any feedback, any wishes for questions to answer or topics that you’d love me to dive into in my podcast, please drop me a DM on social media, or e-mail to I’d love to hear from you!
Oh, and I would so much appreciate if you wanted to like and share my episodes, and you can subscribe to the podcast here!
There are sooo many reasons for me to choose unschooling – I actually prefer calling it life-learning or self-directed learning. Here are 10 of them.
* Health (incl. emotional health) is essential for life, and at school it often is not prioritised
* Constant judgement, observation, force/violence/threats are part of ordinary school which does not at all align with my values. Instead, I want my children to grow up with the right for consent, the freedom to explore and daring to try (instead of fear of making mistakes), trusting themselves, knowing that they get to be their own authority, and learning from intrinsic (i.e. inner) motivation
* Context-based learning
* Sustainable learning
* Living a life that feels meaningful
* Diving into topics that feel relevant, joyful and inspiring
* Getting to be outdoors (almost) any time
* Tending to essential needs (going to bathroom, eat, drink, rest, move etc.) without permission
* Being able to be barefoot!
* Creating a life that suits us, not living a life that suits the requirements of an institution
* Experiencing true togetherness, support, creating together with our unique skills and talents – instead of being taught that we all are “enemies” and competitors
* Socialisation: being in supportive, safe environments, getting to leave spaces and people that feel unsafe, set boundaries, being around adults who respect boundaries & tend to individual’s needs, having adults close by who the children feel safe with, seen and heard by, and can reach out to for witnessing, guidance, comfort and support, getting to learn how to live healthy, uplifting relationships
* Focus on our unique, human contributions – what makes us different to machines
Ok, that was maybe a bit more than 10 reasons… 😅
*I want to emphasise that this is no bashing of teachers (I know that there are wonderful teachers out there!), I also know that there are fantastic schools out there who have created a deeply respectful, nourishing environment, and I am also aware that – for various reasons – for some children, schools do offer a safe(r), supportive environment.*
In case you are raising your kids without school or are longing to do so, what are your reasons? I’d love to hear in the comments!
#consciousparenting #peacefulparenting #unschooling #lifelearning #selfdirectedlearning #SoManyReasonsForALifeWithoutSchool
Becoming a mum is one of the biggest changes that we go through in life. At the same time, it is one of the things we are least prepared for. At least in the modern Western world. Even IF you join some birth preparation course or so, there are so, soooo many things that are not talked about.
Here are 10 things that I wish EVERY mum-to-be would know. I want to start by saying that this is an absolutely incomplete list (there is SO much more to it), but it is a great start. Also, I want to add that I wish that also every dad-to-be would know these things both about birth, parenting, and motherhood/mothers.
* Birth is not a medical emergency
* You get to say NO
* You can be trusted
* Your placenta is sacred
* Postpartum care (e.g. through Innate Tradition’s practitioners)
* Breastfeeding
* Co-sleeping
* Elimination Communication (EC) & cloth diapers
* Community. Especially a circle of compassionate, like-hearted, supportive, uplifting women that you trust and feel safe with – preferably several who already are mothers, some who are new to mamahood, some with older children, and some with no children – diversity is SO precious and beneficial!
You want to get more support during this journey? I offer group- and 1:1 mentorship – send me a dm, e-mail (, or visit my website for more details. I’d LOVE to support you in this unique, life-changing time! 💕
#consciousparenting #consciousliving #newmum #consciousmum
The way you choose to live, you impact others. You are planting seeds. You are modelling life, mamahood, entrepreneurship, self-care, communication etc. We humans observe others, and many times, we copy. This goes especially for children, but also other adults.
The way you choose to live has ripple effects. Either you do/perpetuate what “everyone else” is doing – OR you can consciously choose what feels meaningful to you. Intentionally creating and living the imprint you want to make.
And: you don’t have to be perfect. Just the decision, the commitment, the direction, the journey is SO inspiring and plants many and oh-so-powerful and beautiful seeds. (Watch to the end for a touching real-life story!)
#consciousparenting #consciousliving #mamahood
There is probably no other time of the year (in the modern Western world) where mainSTREAM is as strong as during Christmas/New Year. And probably also no other time where most people life so opposite of (human) nature. Instead of diving into winter energy with its invitation into darkness, stillness, inwardness, and slowness, we humans have created a season that is the complete opposite: rushed, bright, flashing lights, busier than any other time of the year, lots of social activities etc.
But this great contrast and your experiences of this time (whether you feel totally happy with how you chose to spend your time, energy, money, and focus, or maybe you feel a lot of grief, disappointment, or regret) is a great opportunity to reflect how aligned you feel with the way you live – both during this season and in general.
Does it feel aligned with your values, does it feel sustainable (or are you burning out or damaging yourself), does it feel nourishing, meaningful, enjoyable?
If not: what do you want to change? And how do you want to change it?
If you feel stuck on this path of intentionally creating a life that feels healing, nourishing and true to YOUrself, your needs, your values (maybe you know what you don’t want but don’t see any other options, or you do know what you want but don’t know how to get there), then hang around with me. I have been living the out-of-the-box-life for a long time by now, so there is LOTS of inspiration for you in my spaces. Also, I do offer group and 1:1 mentorship for people who are a great match with me (in my life including mentorship, I only have deeply nourishing, inspiring, aligned relationships, and I would not want it any other way). If you feel called to work with me, dm me on social media or e-mail to, and we’ll have a chat. I’d LOVE to hear from you!
Most of us did not grow up like this.Â
Instead, there was something that made you start question and re-think – maybe you started to feel or notice something you didn’t feel before, to dare to trust your inner voice, your body was screaming (in the form of pain or a dis-ease, for example), you became a parent, your child refused to be left alone in an institution, a family member got a strong reaction to a medication, you started reading labels, or some other wake-up call or portal. Suddenly, you find yourself on this new path which rings so true, and you can simply not go back and un-know or un-see the things that you have discovered.Â
And the time after can feel scary. Friendship and other previously close relationships might crumble away as you change your lens on things – or you might be afraid of this to happen once you speak up.Â
But what if I told you that you are not alone at all? That we are many, MANY out there? 💕Â
It is one of my great passions to help you find or create a network of soul-people around you.
Welcome to episode 1 of my podcast (which I spontaneously decided to launch today, December 31st 2024). Because… why wait to next year?! 😅
In this episode, I will tell you a bit about why I made this crazy decision, and also why I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. And that I instead believe in following your needs, dreams, and desires. Because they are embodied and hold intrinsic (i.e. internal) motivation, which is SO much more sustainable AND it is your body’s guidance.Â
If you have ever felt worried about someone asking “who do you even think you are?!” – or you might have even asked this to yourself, then remember that you are a divine creation. A divine creation that you get to steward, just like a gardener gets to steward his precious rose. Why would you not go for your biggest dreams and desires, bring more joy and pleasure into your life, tend to your blossoming?Â
In case you feel that the people around you are holding you back, then I invite you to surround yourself with “trampoline people”. People who place (imaginary) trampolines in front of you, who cheer you on and support you, who help you across bumps, who whole-heartedly believe in you, who inspire you by being on a similar path (maybe even a few steps ahead), and who propel you forwards in quantum leap speed.Â
Need more trampoline people in your life? Hang around in my corner of the internet! It is my passion to help you create or find your village! 🫶