reSource – 1:1 mentorship with Rebecca Jean-Charles

Extraordinary journeys require extraordinary support.
Welcome, dear mama!
Following your own inner compass – rather than expectations and pressures of society – both in life and in parenting requires a LOT, and I celebrate you SO much for being on this path. (I truly believe that this is the path to bring the change that we need so much as humanity.)
Whether you want to
🌿 birth your children without interference of medical staff
🌿 raise your child(ren) without daycare or school
🌿 start/grow your own soul business
🌿 parent with consent, trust and respect towards your children
🌿 tend to your family’s health in holistic ways, or
🌿 move to a place and environment with like-hearted people in your neighbourhood:
it takes a LOT of courage, creativity, and the right people in your life in order to make this a reality, and to keep on walking and expanding on this path – and to do this at quite a high speed. Because…
…your children’s childhood is NOW, so the way you live and parent today is oh-so-impactful for the rest of their childhood and the rest of their life.
From living all of this myself, I know that nothing else is as supportive on this extraordinary journey – probably THE most important one that we well ever do in our lives – as support by people who hold similar values and visions, who both hear and hold you, who generously share their knowledge and experiences, who shine the light on roads that you didn’t know existed, who connect you with the right people, who believe in you, who see your light even while you are walking in darkness, who are there for you no matter what, and who are dedicated to see you walk your very own path, expanding with every step.
This is exactly what you find within reSource, my 1:1 mentorship program.
A space that you can turn to any time of the day and night, whenever thoughts are swirling through your head and whenever you have room to reach out. A space where you can share ALL of you from: confusing thoughts, wild dreams, challenging experiences, big and small celebrations, and whatever else is on your heart and wants to be witnessed, recycled, mirrored and workshopped.

This is a gentle reminder that there are no outcome guarantees for the participants of the mentorship sessions/programs. It is my commitment to guide and support you to my highest abilities within the frame of this mentorship program, but the results are highly dependent on your own commitment and situation. Also, I am not a medical, legal, nor financial expert, and all information and thoughts that are shared by me, both on the website, in person, via newsletters or any form of online or offline communication or mentoring are solely meant to be a source of inspiration. Your choices still remain YOUR choices, always, and they are YOUR respons-ability. If unsure, I suggest that you connect with the wisdom of your soul and body, with Source or/and a professional that you trust for guidance and advice.
By purchasing this product, you agree that I – Rebecca Jean-Charles – as your mentor hold no whatsoever liability towards you or your outcome of this program. My sole responsibility is the delivery of the mentorship sessions/program.
reSource is not for everyone.
reSource is for women who take radical responsibility for their life.
Women who are ready to follow their own path and are dedicated to finding solutions (rather than to finding evidence for that things can’t work for them).
Women who know that their own support and their own well-being are essential for their entire family and who are ready to make this a priority.
Women who are a great match with me (Rebecca), both around values and our energy, since this is a big commitment from both of us, and a very intimate journey. I very much encourage you to visit my Instagram, Facebook, or Telegram to get to know me a bit better.
Compassionate support and a safe space for YOU who knows that you are SO worthy of support, and that support collapses timelines and brings ease, healing and growth

Why 1:1 support instead of group mentorship?
🌟 You want to have 100% focus on you and your own journey in the mentorship.
🌟 You want to dive into topics that you do not currently wish to bring into a group setting.
🌟 You already are part of amazing group spaces such as ROOTED & FREE with rich sisterhood, and you want additional 1:1 support.
🌟 You are someone who is constantly holding space for others – as a coach, mother, friend, partner, or colleague – and you need a space where YOU get to be the one who is held, supported, and in the center.
The set-up
reSource is a 6-month journey.
We meet for one Zoom call at the beginning and one at the end of our journey.
In between, instead of weekly Zoom calls, we have maximum 1 monthly Zoom call and have our conversations via audio and text messages (on the app Telegram).
This makes the mentorship much more flexible and mama-friendly, and offers you guidance in a much more timely manner rather than having to wait for the next call. Also, you don’t need to carve out 1-hour blocks at a certain day and time for the mentorship, but you can message me and listen to my responses in moments when you have a few minutes. I send most of my responses in audio format which means that you can listen to them while you are on a walk with your toddler, doing the dishes, or laying in bed with closed eyes.
You can message me any time of the day and night, and I respond within 48hours the latest – often though within a few hours.
LANGUAGE: I speak English, Swedish, German, and a very Swedish version of Danish 😉
INVESTMENT: 4444€ (pay in full), or 777€ x 6 (payment plan)
REGISTRATION: through application only. Simply send me a voice message on Telegram, Instagram, or Messenger, or an e-mail to, and share a bit about yourself and the journey that you are currently on, and what kind of support you are looking for. We will then have a casual chat to make sure that we a a great match and that I am the right support for you (I will let you know if I believe that I am not). Because we’ll be spending a lot of time together, so I want this to be an amazing, soul-sister experience! I am looking so much forward to your message in my inbox.
DATES: I currently have two spots available, and we can start next week.

Meet your mentor
I am Rebecca, mentor for conscious, courageous mamas (and mums at heart) who desire to live and parent in a way that feels meaningful, nourishing and healing.
Coming from a rather mainstream upbringing and having experienced abuse as an adult, the portal of mamahood has opened new paths for me where I finally dared to stand up for myself, my children, my values and my visions.
Divine guidance has led me to freebirthing my children in my living room, and to raising my children in respectful and peaceful relationships where we meet each other on eye-level and with deep compassion and trust. From these experiences, I also felt that there was no other aligned path than choosing life-learning/unschooling as well as holistic healing methods, leaving the 9 to 5 work model behind and becoming an entrepreneur where I get to use my gifts and passions to support other humans, moving to places where we have a rich network of like-minded and supportive people in our neighbourhood, and so much more.
And today, I am here to tell you that all of this is possible – and to support you on your very own journey to figure ut all the how’s, move through challenges, and explore new ways of living and parenting that you never knew where possible.
Want to know more or have questions? I am just a dm away!
I can’t wait to connect with you. It would be a great honour to walk by your side for the coming 6 months.
With love,
Want to get to know me more? Meet me on social media!