Together on the peaceful parenting/unschooling journey

Your child(ren)'s childhood is NOW and your parenting and your relationship to them is one of the most impactful things you will ever do in your entire life.

And being supported on this journey by a mentor and surrounded by like-hearted parents is one of the most impactful choices to help parent in a way that feels true to your heart. Despite your own upbringing being so different, and despite the people around you parenting a a very different way.

6 months of mentorship (ask unlimited questions 24/7) + community

You want to meet your child with compassion when they have created a mess – but you mostly feel angry and irritated.

You don’t want to threaten your kids because you remember the big fear that you were living with when you were a child yourself – but you don’t know what to do instead. 

You want to raise your kids without school – but then you get worried if they are learning enough and the right things.

You are dedicated to raising your kids with less control and more empathy and trust – but there are many moments where you feel lost, and you don’t have the energy to YouTube endlessly to find guidance for your particular situation.

You feel a deep calling to take your child out of kindergarten – but it feels like you are the only parent on the planet making this kind of decision, and you would LOVE to connect with like-minded parents on a regular basis so that you can feel less alone and get inspired how to live and parent instead. 

You are well on your unschooling journey – but there are moments where you feel both lost and lonely, and you are just longing for someone to witness or guide you. 

You get triggered when other people are questioning or criticising your parenting choices – and you desire to become more confident and calm.

You know that you want to practise peaceful parenting or/and unschooling, but so many people tell you that it is a bad idea or simply impossible. You KNOW that this is not true – AND you want to surround yourself with people who remind you of this, and who are evidence and inspiration for the endless possibilities. 

Have you been in any of these situations? Then “Together on the peaceful parenting/unschooling journey” is for you! Being amongst like-minded parents for six entire months, having a circle of compassionate, supportive and inspiring people to reach out to ANY time, and having access to guidance to bring you back to your path is one of the most powerful things you can gift yourself with – and your family. 

Just like your children, you as a parent, too, need and deserve a space to be held, heard and supported💜

Doors are closed at the moment, but you can put your name onto the waitlist today to be amongst the first ones to know when you can join again.

Let yourself be held and supported on this oh-so-profound journey that is not only changing your kids' childhood, but also the course of your bloodline and the entire trajectory of humanity

Testimonial Review Village Community Support Homeschooling Unschooling

The details

🌱 Be part of a group of like-minded parents who are on a similar journey – an incredibly potent place to make the most enriching connections, find the most beautiful companions on your parenting journey, and to make friends for life

🌱 Telegram group with access 24/7 where you can share experiences, thoughts, ideas, observations etc.

🌱 100% personalised mentorship: there are no pre-set topics or classes, but all mentorship will be delivered in response to your shares of questions, challenges, worries etc. so that all content is relevant for this particular group

🌱 Receive mentorship and guidance by Rebecca Jean-Charles, an unschooling mama who is deeply devoted to peaceful parenting and who has many years of experience from supporting parents on their journey

🌱 Ask your questions any time, receive your answers max. 72 hours later (most times MUCH quicker)

🌱 Responses and mentorship provided as audios (with a length of ca. 5 to 20 minutes), i.e. you get to listen to them any day and time. This will soon turn into a precious library of audios related to peaceful parenting and unschooling, and you can pick and choose whatever is relevant for you, and whenever it is relevant for you. 

🌱 Learn with and from others, through their shares and questions

🌱 One weekly Zoom call where we gather and share in a circle

🌱 Totally adjustable to your own needs – you pick exactly those bits that feel supportive and relevant for you

DATES: new dates will be announced soon

INVESTMENT: 888€ pay in full for 6 months, or payment plan 3×333€ 

Are you longing to be part of a group of parents who is dedicated to raising their kids with less control, threats, punishments and manipulation and with more consent, respect, and trust?


Would you like your kids to grow up in deep connection to both themselves and you, to their inner knowing, their passions, their body, their needs and their feelings?


Do you want to raise your kids in a way so that they can feel whole, loved, held, and deeply supported?

Then this group journey is for you!

Meet your mentor!

Hi! My name is Rebecca, I am the woman behind It takes a village, and I am SO excited that you are here! 

Already many years before becoming a mother, I turned into a passionate community creator. Since living in multiple countries for many decades, I basically feel like a foreigner and outsider anywhere on the planet, and I noticed early that I was not the only one longing for togetherness – especially when you are different than the majority of people. 

When I then became a mum, I right away started this new chapter of my life with a bunch of non-conventional choices such as birthing my children at home AND without any medical staff, co-sleeping with my children, carrying them in slings, not sending them to daycare, breastfeeding them for many years etc.’

So suddenly I was even more different than “just” being a foreigner. More than ever before I felt the need for togetherness with other women who would not only accept me but deeply support and inspire me to follow my heart, even through the most challenging times. And I found them. And they turned into my nourishing, supportive “village”.

I get to be the mama of the most beautiful little adventurers who never have been to any institutions, who share my love for walking barefoot and for indulging in freshly picked berries, for the sea, campfires, baking, gardening, snuggles, amazing friendships across ages and cultures, and exploring different places on this planet. Together, we dream of building our own house with clay, and to grow a big fruit garden. 

I also adore islands, sheep, and I think I might be addicted to underwhelm. (I.e. places where I feel calm and spaciousness, where I can easily see the moon and the stars, places that grow wild flowers, and where I often hear nothing but the sound of birds, waves, or the wind.) 

During my years as a mother, I have had my fair share of challenges: from living in women’s shelters to recovering from people-pleasing/self-abondoning; from being a single mum and solo-provider to solving crazy situations while being in the middle of nowhere, off-grid, in the Caribbean rainforest; and many more. 

At the same time, I have also been blessed with an infinite abundance of goodness – most of this emerged as a result of my conscious and courageous life choices, and through the amazing humans I get to be close to in my life.

In the early months of becoming a mum, I realised that I wanted to teach my children a whole bunch of the most beautiful values. But that I was not living them myself! This was a wake-up call, and the start of a massive shift in my life. Because I knew that it is not my words that would mainly teach my children, but the way I modelled my values by living them. 

And the more I started following my inner compass, the more confident and courageous I felt to continue on this path.

Ever since then, I have had the honour to support many, many parents on their journey. One of my most favourite places to do so is my group program ROOTED & FREE which is the most beautiful, deep group mentorship program, and another one is my 1:1 mentorship. However, I have been dreaming of opening up space for more people – and this is where the idea for “Together on the peaceful parenting/unschooling journey” was born. Because I so much believe that we need WAY more parents who dare to follow their heart. And it is so much easier to follow our hearts when we feel inspired and supported by others who are on a similar journey. 

So… I am beyond excited to be here with you and see the magic unfold inside of this precious group.

It would be an honour to welcome you inside. ♥️

Join the waitlist today!

Imagine yourself during the next 6 months.

You have daily support from your peaceful parenting & unschooling community. 

You have a loving a go-to space every time you have fears creeping up, a question racing through your mind, or when you feel lonely on your path – and every time you had a celebration that you wanted to share with other amazing parents. 

You get to share your challenges and questions in a supportive space with people who WANT you to succeed, who are dedicated to help you finding solutions, who are passionate about parenting in a way that heals both ourselves as parents as well as past generations – and that keeps our children whole and gives them wings!

Your children deserve regulated, confident, trusting, courageous, and deeply compassionate parents – and you deserve a space where you get to heal and be held and supported so that you can be(come) this parent.

Warm welcome to our peaceful parenting/unschooling journey! 💜

Do you have any questions? I am just a message away! DM me on social media or e-mail me to

Wanna get to know me more before you sign up? Totally understandable! Meet me on social media or send me a dm!