A free online event with Xana De Silva - an amazing, inspiring birth worker, doula educator, speaker, author, nurse and so much more - with more than 20 years of experience as mother and doula
You are in for an absolute treat! In our next UMOJA tea time event, Xana De Silva will share her own journey from severe PTSD/trauma to healing. She will explain the tools that have helped her, as well as how and why birth healed her.
Meet the gorgeous, oh-so-inspiring Xana De Silva who has more than 20 years of experience as a doula and as a mother. Xana is also a well-known doula educator, birth educator, ear acupuncturist, yoga teacher, founder and teacher of the active baby technique, author, speaker and so much more – most of all, she is dedicated to families, healing and birth.
Let her inspire and support you by sharing her experiences from her most recent birth, and from decades of supporting birthing mothers.
WHEN: Saturday 2nd of March 2024 at 16hrs CET, the duration will be ca. 60 min.
WHAT: An inspiring conversation about trauma healing through birth with Xana De Silva (there will be room for Q&A st the end)
HOW: We will meet online through Zoom. Sign up through the form below and you will receive the link a day prior to the event.
INVESTMENT: As all UMOJA tea times, this event is free of charge!