Welcoming communities worldwide
To all beautiful communities/nourishing neighbourhoods on this planet!
You want to grow your community? Then you came to the right place!

This page is for creators/members of EXISTING communities.
You have created the most beautiful, supportive local network or community.
Maybe a powerful mums group with loving, nourishing sisterhood.
A fantastic unschooling group.
A center for life learning, holistic health, natural birth, or permaculture.
A forest school.
An eco village.
And now you need more people - because it does take a village!
It even takes a village to build a village. And to sustain a village.
Let yourself be supported on this journey!
Welcome to "Let's re-village life!" - a unique online gathering, bringing conscious, heart-centered community seekers together so that you can grow your community with ease!
✔️ One weekend
✔️ Three Zoom calls
✔️ Conscious, holistic-minded community seekers from around the world who are longing to find a community like yours!

Apply today for one of the last remaining community spots!

Yes, I would love to share about our project/community during the online gathering "Let's re-village life!"
...on the 8th & 9th of June 2024. This powerful event is an amazing opportunity to attract like-hearted people to join your community - while also spreading hope and inspiration, and creating nourishing, healing connections with conscious, heart-centered humans from around the world.
Thanks a lot for your application!
I am honestly bursting with excitement to hear from you, to create the 2024 edition of "Re-village your life", to help amazing communities to find their people, and to help amazing people to find their village!
I will get in touch with you ASAP (the latest within the next 48 hours) with a confirmation and the payment link. Make sure to add "info@ittakesavillage.se" to your e-mail contacts, and also check your spam folder in case my response accidentally ends up there.
With so much love,
Rebecca from It takes a village

This is the third year of “Let’s re-village life” – an absolutely unique event..
 Hundreds of people from around the world have joined in the past, beautiful connections have been created, deep friendships have been birthed, people have found new community members and new homes.
Meet the lovely Helen, founder of the “Terra Nova” community in Brazil ⬇️

Practical details of the event:
Call 1
Saturday, 8th of June 2024 at 17hrs CET*
Call 2
Sunday, 9th of June 2024 at 10hrs CET*
Call 3
Sunday, 9th of June at 17hrs CET*
*Find your local time zone here.
The length of each part is ca. 90 minutes.
WHAT:Â You choose if you want to present your community in Call 1, 2, or 3. You get minimum 10 minutes to share about yourself, the community/project/neighbourhood, and who it is for. This could be just you (or a few of you community members) talking, or I could interview you.
People can immediately connect with you through the chat, ask questions, and receive your contact details.
In addition, your community will be part of an online brochure that will be available to all participants after our event and which gives an overview over all participating neighbourhoods/projects/communities.
You are also SO welcome to join the other calls for inspiration, and also to meet community SEEKERS – and reach out to them directly if you feel that you are a great match.
WHO: “Re-Village life!” is for conscious, heart-centered people who want to live close to like-hearted people to inspire and support each other. It is in particular – but not only – for families who practice self-directed learning/unschooling/worldschooling.Â
INVESTMENT: 99€, and 77€ if you pay today. (Please reach out in case you very much would like to join but this would mean that you couldn’t put food onto the table.)
This is a gentle reminder that there are no outcome guarantees for the participants of this event. It is my commitment to prepare this event to my best abilities and make it an extraordinary experience, and to guide and support you to my highest abilities within the frame of this event, but the results are highly dependent on your own commitment and situation. Also, I am not a medical, financial, nor legal expert, and all information and thoughts that are shared by me, both on the website, in person, via newsletters or any form of online or offline communication or mentoring are solely meant to be a source of inspiration. Your choices still remain YOUR choices, always, and they are YOUR respons-ability. If unsure, I suggest that you connect with the wisdom of your soul and body, with the Source or/and a professional that you trust for guidance and advice.
Apply now and save 20% if you pay today!

Yes, I would love to share about our project/community during the online gathering "Let's re-village life!"
...on the 8th & 9th of June 2024. This powerful event is an amazing opportunity to attract like-hearted people to join your community - while also spreading hope and inspiration, and creating nourishing, healing connections with conscious, heart-centered humans from around the world.
Thanks a lot for your application!
I am honestly bursting with excitement to hear from you, to create the 2024 edition of "Re-village your life", to help amazing communities to find their people, and to help amazing people to find their village!
I will get in touch with you ASAP (the latest within the next 48 hours) with a confirmation and the payment link. Make sure to add "info@ittakesavillage.se" to your e-mail contacts, and also check your spam folder in case my response accidentally ends up there.
With so much love,
Rebecca from It takes a village

(1) Send your application – simply fill in the form above. The earlier you apply, the more marketing and visibility you will receive through the promotion of this event.
(2) I will get back to you within max. 48 hours. If I feel that your project is a good match (the goal is to create a good variety amongst the participating communities during the event, and that all communities are aligned with the values above), I will send you the payment link.
(3) Your spot will be held for 72 hours. Secure it through your payment.Â
(4) Please send me a written summary of your community, three to five pictures, as well as your contact information to info@ittakesavillage.se on the 27th of May the latest.
(5) On the 8th and 9th of June, we will meet via Zoom. You will receive the link via e-mail. For your participation, I would suggest to calculate at least 20 minutes, but it would be ideal if you wanted to stay throughout your call – and you are so welcome to also join the other two calls.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions! I am here to support and to make this process as simple & smooth as possible!
I am super excited to hear from you – let’s connect and create a beautiful, new earth by surrounding us with nourishing environments, humans and energy. Together! ♥️
QUESTIONS? Warm welcome to send me a dm on social media or an e-mail to info@ittakesavillage.se. I am here to support you and would love to hear from you!

You are looking for a community, or are thinking of creating one yourself? Warm welcome to read more here!
Meet the founder & host of "Re-village life!"
Hi! My name is Rebecca, and I am SO excited that you are here!
Already many years before becoming a mother, I turned into a passionate community creator. Since living in multiple countries for many decades, I basically feel like a foreigner and outsider anywhere on the planet, and I noticed early that I was not the only one longing for togetherness – especially when you are different than the majority of people.Â
When I then became a mum, I right away started this new chapter of my life with a bunch of “alien choices” such as birthing my children at home AND without any medical staff, co-sleeping with my children, carrying them in slings, not sending them to daycare, breastfeeding them for many years etc. So suddenly I was even more different than “just” being a foreigner. As you can imagine, more than ever before I felt the need for togetherness with other people who would not only accept me but deeply support and inspire me to follow my heart, even through the most challenging times.Â
I get to be the mama of the most beautiful little adventurers who never have been to any institutions, who share my love for walking barefoot and for indulging in freshly picked berries, for the sea, campfires, baking, gardening, snuggles, amazing friendships across ages and cultures, and exploring different places on this planet. Together, we dream of building our own house with clay, and to grow a big fruit garden.Â
I also adore islands, sheep, and I think I might be addicted to underwhelm. (I.e. places where I feel calm and spaciousness, where I can easily see the moon and the stars, places that grow wild flowers, and where I often hear nothing but the sound of birds, waves, or the wind.)Â
Birthed as a fusion of my own experiences and gifts, I started offering support and mentorship for people who are longing to live and parent with freedom, authenticity, and sovereignty, and in alignment with their needs, values, and visions, for example through my program ROOTED & FREE. During the past decades, I have created the most powerful and beautiful communities both online and offline, and it fills my heart with so much joy that I get to do this on a much bigger scale through “Let’s re-village life!”Â

SO many humans are currently re-thinking their life and longing to align it more with their needs, visions and values. Living close to and connecting with other people who are creating their lives around freedom, sovereignty, authenticity, respectful relationships, togetherness, consciousness and all energies of thriving life is a big part of this – which is amazing because it gives us so many possibilities to build this new earth together!
Let’s assure all these wonderful people that they are not alone and welcome them to discover  – and join – your community!

Let it be easy for your people to find you!
🌿 Save your precious time and energy.
🌿 Get exposure amongst people who share similar values and visions like you, AND who specifically are looking for a community to join.
🌿 Your people get to know about you through the online (Zoom) event, the online brochure that every participant will receive after the event, and – if you like to – also through the promotional material prior to the event.
🌿 Share & connect with people through our groups on Telegram and Facebook!