For conscious mothers & mothers-to-be

Conscious, Connected & Curious
Raising children without school
Online course from 11th to 15th of March 2024
Conscious, Connected & Curious is an intensive course for you who would like to explore how to create a life without school, or – if you already raise your children without school – how you can enhance different aspects of it, for example bring more ease, joy or support into it.
We will have a pop-up group on Telegram for this course where you can connect with each other, and we will meet for three live online sessions (via the program Zoom) to dive into what is most alive for you, where you feel stuck, what your biggest questions are around/in living without school as a family, and of course your dreams and visions. There will of course also be room for your questions and for mentoring in the Telegram group.
You will receive daily audios in our Telegram channel with inspiration and guidance around raising children without school.
Our three main topics during this intensive course will be:
🌿 MEANING – creating a life that feels meaningful and nourishing to you and your family
🌿 FREEDOM – creating a life where you feel at choice and free to live in alignment with your values
🌿 TOGETHERNESS – creating a life where your children AND you feel that you belong and have nourishing, supportive relationships
The live sessions will not be recorded because this is a space for vulnerable, open shares. The audios with the content is delivered in the most mama-friendly way I can imagine: it is available to you to listen to in your own timing and as many times as you like, and the length of the audios is ca. between 5 and 20 minutes each.
WHEN: The course will be running from the 11th to the 15th of March, and we will have live sessions via Zoom on Monday (11th), Wednesday (13th) and Friday (15th) at 10am CET, for about 60-90 min each.
HOW: Pay through the link below and you will automatically be registered. You will then receive an e-mail with all details and links.
QUESTIONS? Reach out to me via dm on social media or via e-mail to I am here to support you!
Conscious, Connected & Curious is a space for mums who are longing to raise their children with more freedom, meaning and togetherness.
A space for you to feel held and resourced – so that you can hold and resource your family.
A space for you to remember that you are not alone on this courageous journey.
A space for you to be deeply respected and supported to raise your children in a way that feels healing, nourishing and free..
Warm welcome, beautiful mama! ♥️

This is a gentle reminder that there are no outcome guarantees for the participants of this program. It is my commitment to guide and support you to my highest abilities within the frame of this program, but the results are highly dependent on your own commitment and situation. Also, I am not a medical expert, and all information and thoughts that are shared by me, both on the website, in person, via newsletters or any form of online or offline communication or mentoring are solely meant to be a source of inspiration. Your choices still remain YOUR choices, always, and they are YOUR respons-ability. If unsure, I suggest that you connect with the wisdom of your soul and body, with the Source or/and a health professional that you trust for guidance and advice.

True To Yourself
Mothering in alignment with YOUR values
Online course from 16th to 20th of March 2024
True To Yourself is an intensive course for you who would like to explore how to mother (even more) in alignment with your own values. In many Western countries, the pressure and expectations from society or people that we (or our subconscious) see as authorities are extremely high – and often not at all in alignment with the values, needs and visions of conscious mamas. True To Yourself offers you inspiration to re-connect with and trust your inner wisdom, and to create a life where you LIVE your values – both in your mothering and in life in general.
We will have a pop-up group on Telegram for this course where you can connect with each other, and we will meet for three live online sessions (via the program Zoom) to dive into what is most alive for you, where you feel stuck, what your biggest questions are when it comes to aligning your life and mothering with your values, and of course your dreams and visions. There will of course also be room for your questions and for mentoring in the Telegram group.
You will receive daily audios in our Telegram channel with inspiration and guidance around creating a life that feels true to yourself.
The live sessions will not be recorded because this is a space for vulnerable, open shares. The audios with the content is delivered in the most mama-friendly way I can imagine: it is available to you to listen to in your own timing and as many times as you like, and the length of the audios is ca. between 5 and 20 minutes each.
Our three main topics during this intensive course will be:
🌿 ALIGNED – connecting with your inner wisdom and allowing this voice to be heard and to be guiding you.
🌿 CONNECTED & LOVED – trust-based mothering
🌿 SUPPORT & BELONGING – calling in people who share your values, who you trust and who you can turn to
WHEN: the course is running from the 16th to the 20th of March, and we will have live sessions via Zoom on Saturday (16th), Sunday (17th) and Wednesday (20th) at 4pm CET, for about 60-90 min each.
HOW: pay through the link below and you will automatically be registered. You will then receive an e-mail with all details and links.
QUESTIONS? Reach out to me via dm on social media or via e-mail to I am here to support you!
True To Yourself is a space for mums who are longing to raise their children in alignment with their own inner compass.
A space for you to connect with like-hearted mums who are on a similar journey.
A space for you to be deeply respected and supported in your vision to live and mother in a way that feels healing, nourishing and right for your family.
Warm welcome, gorgeous mama! ♥️

This is a gentle reminder that there are no outcome guarantees for the participants of this program. It is my commitment to guide and support you to my highest abilities within the frame of this program, but the results are highly dependent on your own commitment and situation. Also, I am not a medical expert, and all information and thoughts that are shared by me, both on the website, in person, via newsletters or any form of online or offline communication or mentoring are solely meant to be a source of inspiration. Your choices still remain YOUR choices, always, and they are YOUR respons-ability. If unsure, I suggest that you connect with the wisdom of your soul and body, with the Source or/and a health professional that you trust for guidance and advice.